Saturday, February 23, 2008

List the ways...

Until blogs, I never was able to keep any sort of journal. I never knew what to write. The whole "dear diary" thing made me feel silly... yet I really do think that journaling or blogging or whatever has some real value on a personal level. Anyway, some years ago, after the umpteenth attempt to journal, I bought a book called "List Your Self" as an attempt to find topics to write about in that failed journal. I decided to pull out that book again, because it's a toughie. Some of the lists make me work hard to remember things, others dig deep and make you really think. So, today I'm going to do a list.

List the ways you sabotage yourself from getting what you want.

1. I don't believe I deserve getting what I want.
2. I don't feel like I have the ability/skill to get what I want.
3. If I get what I want, I'll just lose it anyway.
4. Someone else needs it more than me.
5. if I get what I want, will I really be happy?

Yeah, I think that covers most of it. I'm pretty good at sabotaging myself. Have a lot of practice.

I don't want to do it anymore. So I'm putting this message out to the Universe:

I deserve to get what I want. I have the ability and skill. I know that I will value getting what I want and I won't lose it. I know that there's enough to go around so I can have what I want as much as the other person who needs it. Sabotaging myself leaves me unhappy, so if I get what I want, I will be happier than I am now, which is all that matters.


Julie said...

You do deserve what you want. And the Buddha said, "With our thoughts we make the world."

Remember that.