Sunday, April 6, 2008

The first!!!

The first flower to bloom in my yard!

Not that I have tons of blooming plants, but one year I did plant a bunch of bulbs, ranging from early bloomers to late tulips. This one is the first to bloom. And it's not even one I planted... it's a volunteer that sprang up from the bulbs I had planted about 6 feet away... so it must have come up from seed. Interesting!

I had procrastinated doing our taxes. I was afraid of what my bellydance business might do to our return. So I procrastinated. I shouldn't have. ha! I managed to come up with enough business expenses (that I can prove) to take my net income down to less than $300 (out of almost $5000). So, we're still getting a nice return. And if I had to... I probably could have come up with enough expenses to prove a loss... but I won't do that now, as that would require me to fill out another form, and I'm done with forms. Anyway, it will be good to get our return. I wanted to get a dishwasher last year but didn't push for it. However, this year we will get it. I can hardly wait. It will probably pay for itself within a couple years just with the $ saved in water that is saved compared to how the dishes are done by hand here. Not to mention how convenient and so much cleaner the dishes will be. I can hardly wait. We even looked at some today.

We did by a new nuker today. Our old one is in poor shape, and about 20 yrs old, and only 750 watt or some such... barely has any power. We picked up a scratch-n-dent model for $40 today, with more power. And we used a gift card so it wasn't out-of-pocket $$. Kevin "drove" the cart around in Best Buy... they had this big cart that looks like a car or whatever... he saw the wheels on it, did his best "Oooo!" so naturally we had to put him behind it's steering wheel. For mama pushing it around, it was like pushing a bus compared to the regular shopping carts, but Kevin had a blast "steering" the play steering wheel in it.


Connie said...

Hi. I was randomly running thru blogs as I wasted time waiting for my spring flowers pictures to upload (must be something in the air?) and had to stop by and comment on the very cute easter baby bunny I saw on your blog. He is a cutie!

Michele said...

Why thank you Connie! Visit anytime! :D

Connie said...

I probably will! I see from your profile that you are interested in a lot of things I am - most importantly, being a mom :-) !! I try to keep my family updated thru my blog, but that means I post a bunch of Cairo pics too because this is home for now. Egypt is a cool place to visit - we cheated by coming out here for work. Good because we get to see things more in-depth, get to know the friendly people, bad for the pollution, traffic, having no yard to call our own. No matter, it's been good for the kids - who have really kept me busy today btw, I best run off now to (try and) catch up on housework and laundry :-p !

Dagny said...

YAY for the flower!!! My bulbs are just starting to peek out of the ground, hopefully I see one soon too!!!

Barb said...

I LOVE your new page!!!
It's so pretty!!

Your flower is very pretty. We had so many at our old house. They'll be blooming now. But nothing at the new house. I'll have to start from scratch!!

Regarding the cart...........I know EXACTLY what you mean. My Niece always wants to ride in it. I did it once and I crashed into everything!!! So now I tell her nope, we don't need a cart, we're in and out!! I don't like those things at all!!!