Monday, April 9, 2007

What IS the deal?

In the last 3 days I've observed my husband:

  • use a kleenex to wipe water off the outside of a baby bottle, bypassing a towel that was closer and then tossing the used kleenex on a table only to walk right by a trash can on his way to the baby.
  • use a kleenex to blow his nose, toss it toward a trash can... miss... stare at the kleenex on the floor and then walk away. Leaving the kleenex on the floor.
  • Not to mention the 5 dirty kleenexes left on the couch.
  • I watched him accidently drop a piece of plastic that tied our yard waste bags on the floor. Instead of picking it up, he tried to kick it under the couch. Then denied that he kicked it under the couch when I immediately said "don't kick that under the couch."
This is a small sample of the things I see every day. Are men just naturally pigs or just my husband? Are they born this way or do they work at it? What is the deal? Is it really so difficult to do some minor picking up after yourself?

And you know, if I weren't here to pick up after him, eventually this place would look just like his living space before we moved in together... like a landfill.

I hope that I can instill some value in keeping one's space halfway clean into my son.


Julie said...

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man with a spotless home must be in posession of a wife.

Or gay.

Leigh Hatfield-Middleton said...

I signed up just for a google account to tell you that yes, it is all men. They are disgusting. Mine likes to leave toenails on the nightstand or the end table and then claim they're not his. WTH? Is there a toenail fairy I don't know about?

Dagny said...

You dont' even want to know what my house looked like when I got back from being away for almost 3 weeks. What a disaster!!!!!!