Sunday, April 20, 2008


I passed the test for that job. Got the letter in the mail yesterday. Since I wasn't convinced that I'd passed, even though I was confident in most of it, I'm rather pleased. Next is the interview. I feel like I'm a strong interviewer. However, someone could have a chip on their shoulder for me, which would make the whole thing moot. But I'm going to proceed as if I have a chance, which I think I do. Hopefully I will indeed get the job.

I've been sick. Still not well. can't taste or smell anything. I went to a sex toy party last night and told the lady not to pass the sniff and lick'um stuff to me as it was pointless. Yes, I bought something. One of those massagers so I can massage my neck and shoulders myself.

when I feel better I will type more.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Heart Walk

Heart attack and stroke are the top killers of those of us with type 2 diabetes. My coworker just had open heart surgery. My stepdad had open heart surgery. There've been lots of heart attacks and strokes in my family.

I'd already decided I wanted to start walking more. But just wanting to walk isn't always enough. Walking once or twice a week isn't enough. I need a goal, something to work on. My mom used to walk every day practically, and she walked 2 or 3 charity walks or marathon style walks every year.

So, I registered to walk in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk in my town. There are 2 routes, 1 mile and 3 miles. I know I can do 1 mile. But to do the 3 mile route, I will need to train several times a week. So Kevin and I are in training. (Kevin will go on the Heart Walk with me!)

Of course, this is a charity walk, which means I agreed to try to get donations. If you are so inclined, you can help out at my Heart Walk webpage (click here). Otherwise, your good wishes are enough!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Thank you Julie! She made some soaps, and offered to send them out to some folks and I am one of the lucky recipients. They smell heavenly, and one is in my shower now. I'd actually gotten them last week, but I think my husband may have stuck them on a high shelf after I brought the box in, to keep it out of Kevin's reach, and I just found the box yesterday.

I hope this post goes through. Having trouble with the internet today.

I got the letter from HR at work, I test for the position I applied for next tuesday. I hope I do well, but even if I do... it's no guarantee of putting me at the top of the list. It sure would be nice to get that job though. I am ticked off for a friend of mine though... she works in the office where this job is at, she has the same job classification as I do. They sent her a letter telling her she would not be invited to test. WTF? She's just as qualified as I am. I don't get it. She told me that she thought her boss didn't like her. I have to wonder now if that was it... seems awfully petty if it were.

Also next week is Kevin's surgery. I'm getting cold feet. I am paranoid now. If you all don't hear from me thursday evening, something bad may have happened and I am in jail for murdering the surgeon.

Oh. So our state just passed a law that there's to be no smoking in public buildings now, with a few exceptions (casinos). The law was passed in response to Illinois passing a similar law (though their casinos were not exempted). While on the surface, I'm happy about it because I hate walking into restaurants and smelling smoke. I'm slightly disturbed by the trend of legislating this kind of thing. How far does it go, when does this kind of thing stop? Someday will it be illegal for fat people to buy candy or ice cream? I don't know... I don't see a perfect solution. Someone locally posted an idea that made more sense to me... treat cigarettes like a controlled substance... like alcohol is treated. Then make restaurants and bars buy a cigarette license the way they do a liquor license. To me that makes more sense, that way there would be some restaurants and bars that people can still smoke at, and others that choose not to offer that option. Sure I don't like to be forced to breathe second-hand smoke, but I don't think that should mean that every single entertainment venue in the state must be smoke-free and that people can only smoke in their homes, cars and a certain number of feet outside buildings. And casinos.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The first!!!

The first flower to bloom in my yard!

Not that I have tons of blooming plants, but one year I did plant a bunch of bulbs, ranging from early bloomers to late tulips. This one is the first to bloom. And it's not even one I planted... it's a volunteer that sprang up from the bulbs I had planted about 6 feet away... so it must have come up from seed. Interesting!

I had procrastinated doing our taxes. I was afraid of what my bellydance business might do to our return. So I procrastinated. I shouldn't have. ha! I managed to come up with enough business expenses (that I can prove) to take my net income down to less than $300 (out of almost $5000). So, we're still getting a nice return. And if I had to... I probably could have come up with enough expenses to prove a loss... but I won't do that now, as that would require me to fill out another form, and I'm done with forms. Anyway, it will be good to get our return. I wanted to get a dishwasher last year but didn't push for it. However, this year we will get it. I can hardly wait. It will probably pay for itself within a couple years just with the $ saved in water that is saved compared to how the dishes are done by hand here. Not to mention how convenient and so much cleaner the dishes will be. I can hardly wait. We even looked at some today.

We did by a new nuker today. Our old one is in poor shape, and about 20 yrs old, and only 750 watt or some such... barely has any power. We picked up a scratch-n-dent model for $40 today, with more power. And we used a gift card so it wasn't out-of-pocket $$. Kevin "drove" the cart around in Best Buy... they had this big cart that looks like a car or whatever... he saw the wheels on it, did his best "Oooo!" so naturally we had to put him behind it's steering wheel. For mama pushing it around, it was like pushing a bus compared to the regular shopping carts, but Kevin had a blast "steering" the play steering wheel in it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring at last!!!

It was like, 70 degrees almost! The high was supposed to be 69, but I think it really did hit 70. Or it just felt like it. It was damn wonderful!!!

We went to the park today. The big one in the center of town. It has a small lake with ducks, a conservatory and of course the playground and expansive greenspace. Kevin did the swing, ran around chasing some bubbles, but they were blowing toward the lake and he has a total thing for water. So naturally he ran for the lake. He enjoyed the flowers in the conservatory. I hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow, bummer... it would have been nice to have another pretty day to be outside.

I was sick of the lame blog template I had. Almost everyone else has the same dang template. So I changed. The only thing I don't like about this one is the pyzam bar up at the top. I can't get rid of it. :P

I've been having odd dreams of late, but can't remember them well enough to interpret. I don't like one of the recent ones... a friend of mine murdered in it. bleh.

eh, past my bedtime...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ok, found a new hobby. LOL.... I will be practicing my drumming!

Kevin had a BLAST. First, he had a room full of women to flirt with. (there was one token male who took the workshop... and he was cute, more on that) There were also about 20 different drums of all sizes, so he was in heaven. Right up till the workshop started, he'd either be flirting or banging on someone's drum. I did notice that towards the end he was watching me hit my drum... I think he was starting to "get" the patterns. I'm hoping I can eventually teach him rhythms. How cool would that be to have my kid be a kick ass drummer of belly dance and tribal music?

SO. I had one guy sign up for the workshop. I was eager to meet him as he was totally unknown to me when I got his registration in the mail. Turned out that he and a friend of his play pretty regularly, including for dancers, and he wanted to network with other folks interested in drumming and Near Eastern belly dance music. And he was cute too! scratch that, he was sexy. :) Long, dark hair in a pony, nice little beard. The grey in the beard gave him a distinguished look. But here's the kicker. He had an aussie accent!!! I can safely say that I was not the only female thinking "yummy". One gal told me she intended to pursue. LMAO. I wish her luck. ;)

I've rediscovered my iPod. Of course I used it every week for dance class. But when my desktop crashed, I stopped syncing my iPod because my laptop didn't have iTunes on it. However, I realized that the desktop may be a while getting fixed, so I moved my iTunes over to the laptop. Fortunately all my music (and all other computer files) had been stored on an external harddrive, making it easier to move everything. I did do a dorky thing... stayed up all saturday night moving the files, remaking my playlists, getting everything ready to sync my iPod. By the time I finally plugged the iPod in to sync, it was 6am sunday morning and I had not slept at all. whoa. While the iPod did it's thing, I passed out briefly on the couch. But I got up again when Kevin and James got to the living room, so I pretty much did sunday activities on no sleep. Surprisingly, I didn't feel the crash till late afternoon, evening of sunday. But I won't be making a habit of that...
Anyway, I had downloaded a bunch of classic rock songs that I haven't heard in years but never got them on the iPod till this weekend. So now I'm listening to great songs I've missed, as well as some new belly dance music I haven't listened to before. I'm finding stuff I want to write a dance for and being nostalgic.

Bedtime. Kevin has an appt with a surgeon tomorrow morning to find out if he actually has a hernia.