Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring at last!!!

It was like, 70 degrees almost! The high was supposed to be 69, but I think it really did hit 70. Or it just felt like it. It was damn wonderful!!!

We went to the park today. The big one in the center of town. It has a small lake with ducks, a conservatory and of course the playground and expansive greenspace. Kevin did the swing, ran around chasing some bubbles, but they were blowing toward the lake and he has a total thing for water. So naturally he ran for the lake. He enjoyed the flowers in the conservatory. I hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow, bummer... it would have been nice to have another pretty day to be outside.

I was sick of the lame blog template I had. Almost everyone else has the same dang template. So I changed. The only thing I don't like about this one is the pyzam bar up at the top. I can't get rid of it. :P

I've been having odd dreams of late, but can't remember them well enough to interpret. I don't like one of the recent ones... a friend of mine murdered in it. bleh.

eh, past my bedtime...


Dagny said...

Love the new look!!!!! :)

And glad you had such a nice day. It's finally spring here too, and the entire city is out getting gardening supplies. AND, the town is sold out of hamburger buns!!! Go figure...LMAO.

Enjoy the end of winter! I know I am!!