Saturday, April 12, 2008

Heart Walk

Heart attack and stroke are the top killers of those of us with type 2 diabetes. My coworker just had open heart surgery. My stepdad had open heart surgery. There've been lots of heart attacks and strokes in my family.

I'd already decided I wanted to start walking more. But just wanting to walk isn't always enough. Walking once or twice a week isn't enough. I need a goal, something to work on. My mom used to walk every day practically, and she walked 2 or 3 charity walks or marathon style walks every year.

So, I registered to walk in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk in my town. There are 2 routes, 1 mile and 3 miles. I know I can do 1 mile. But to do the 3 mile route, I will need to train several times a week. So Kevin and I are in training. (Kevin will go on the Heart Walk with me!)

Of course, this is a charity walk, which means I agreed to try to get donations. If you are so inclined, you can help out at my Heart Walk webpage (click here). Otherwise, your good wishes are enough!


Julie said...

Good luck with the walking! I need to get off my ass and start walking as well, but I just don't have any motivation. PLus Livvie hates her stroller. I guess I could wear her while I walk though.

Connie said...

Good luck with the walking! I quit work in January this year, and after many years as a desk zombie, I really(!) needed to start walking more too. In the morning when my husband leaves for work, we ride together and drop the kids off at school - a ritual we have always enjoyed. After the kids are in class, and hubby heads off to work, I walk home, which is about a mile away. Unfortunately, the traffic here is bad, so I do not walk back and forth with the kids, just me, but anytime I need to go to the school, to help out in a class or something, I walk. My legs are doing so much better - my feet still hate me, but I'm happy with slow progress.

Why not get a ride out every day with spouse or neighbor as they leave to go to work, or whatever, have them drop you and Kevin a mile out and you can walk back? Carry a cell phone of course! Unlike walking a round track, or around the block several times, it is not as easy to 'quit' when you have to keep going in order to get home! I used to do something similar when I was running in the Army... I'd head out running for 15-20mins, AWAY from home. Then, no matter how tired I got, I had to keep running for at least another 15-20minutes in order to get back... I'd cuss myself the whole way, but it worked. ;-D