Friday, June 29, 2007

Doin' it!

I'm going to do it!

What helped me decide was that the organizer said she was given a list of songs that we could choose from, which means I can "know" the song in advance well enough to be prepared to improvise to it. I'm stoked!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

to solo or not to solo...

Oh my goddess... I have been asked if I want to solo perform with Raquy and the Cavemen when they come to the area to do a concert! I'm not normally a solo dancer, I prefer performing with my troupes, but this is quite the honor! I'm scared, yet I want to do it. I will have to find out some more particulars. The gal arranging all this was told by Raquy that she could arrange 3 dancers to perform a solo at the concert. I... ME... asked to be one of the 3. I can hardly believe it. I kind of want to say no and offer my senior dancer who is really a much better soloist. But... I kind of want something for me too... oh what to do! what to do!

I had better find out more before I make a decision.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I need more time. as in... I need to not have to work a full time job. LOL... Notice I say, "not have to work". That means being able to afford to quit. It does NOT mean losing the job when I still need it.

But, seriously... how the hell did my mom hold down a job (often working overtime), raise me and keep the house clean???? Is there some secret she failed to pass down to me? Because I sure as hell cannot keep up with the housework!

I need A LOT more time.

Monday, June 4, 2007

country bumbkins

On my way back from visiting my dad, who lives in some little village in south central iowa, I took a small highway for a ways to get back to the interstate. I passed 2 "deer crossing" signs. What was odd was that one had a red dot sticker stuck to it's nose. The other had a strip of black tape sticking out from between it's legs. I think if I had left my camera unpacked, I'd have stopped to take pictures of them. There were a lot of defaced signs but none so funny as the deer ones. People in south central iowa have nothing to do.