Friday, July 4, 2008

long time no blog

I am so bad. I got busy or lazy and didn't post on my blog.

I didn't get the job in my previous post. Apparently the department director decided she didn't want anyone who already worked in the department, so it didn't matter how qualified I was for the job, I wouldn't have gotten it no matter what. Bitch. I am still a little bitter about it.

Today the belly dancers are walking in the 4th of July parade. So soon I'm going to have to get ready in my red, white and blue costume. At least it's not going to be hot as hades this year. Last year we also got stuck on the wrong side of a train, and then were forced to walk fast to catch up to the rest of the parade. So instead of dance walking... we had to practically run. We were SO wiped out last year it wasn't funny. I sure hope there's no train this year. That would suck ass.

In new news, I am taking two internet classes through my local community college. Speed Spanish and intro to Excel. The intro class is probably mostly too easy however it's a prerequisite to continue to the next classes. I am currently the person who knows how to use it best at work, and I barely know it all, so I decided I'm going to be as expert as I can so that people at work will need me more. I'm going to do the same with Access. I already get called to help someone 3 or 4 times a day, might as well know even more. The spanish class is hard though.

ok, need to get ready for the parade.


Julie said...

I hope you had a good time at the parade and the trains stayed away.

Total bummer about not getting that job. It's bullshit.

Dagny said...

You are back!!

I'm sorry for it taking me so long to realize that!!!

