Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy weekend ahead...

So I have a drum rhythm workshop and bellydance party tonight. Should be fun! Kevin is going and I don't know if that means he won't get a nap this afternoon. I'm going to check with our sitter to see if I can come pick up the play yard we have there in case I can get him to take a nap in it sometime this afternoon. I wouldn't dream of leaving Kevin with grandma or a sitter. He LOVES drums and dancing, and I think he'd be very put out with me if he knew he'd missed today... so I'm taking him, and I'll deal with the grumpy tired Kevin tomorrow morning if need be.

Tomorrow my dad and stepmom are coming in to visit for the day. So no doubt that tomorrow afternoon we'll be busy busy.

I found a blog I like. It's paganish so if you aren't into that, don't go visit. But otherwise, the author is very witty, I really like reading her blog. The Gods Are Bored.

ah, my darling has awakened from his nap.


Erin said...

You are such a good mama!! I think he will have lots of fun w/ you dancing and listening to the drums.. Have fun!!

Julie said...

Have a great time!

Dagny said...

HOpe you had a great time!!!!!
